Articles related to: farmer's time management

In the ever-demanding world of agriculture, where the lines between dawn and dusk often blur, maintaining a healthy work-life balance can seem like an unattainable dream for many farmers. The relentless cycle of planting, tending, and harvesting, coupled with the round-the-clock care of animals, is compounded by the unpredictable whims of nature and market fluctuations. These factors can lead to long hours in the field or home office, leaving you little time for personal life, family, and rest. This imbalance doesn’t just affect your personal well-being but can also impact the productivity and sustainability of your farming practice itself.

The primary challenges that you might be facing in achieving work-life balance include unpredictable weather patterns disrupting work schedules, the pressure to meet market demands, the physical toll of manual labor, and the isolation that comes with rural living. These factors can lead to stress, burnout, and a sense of being perpetually overwhelmed, making it difficult for you to find time for themselves and their families.

To help you combat these challenges, here are set of simple, directly actionable strategies that require minimal resources or time to implement:

1. Daily “Silent Start” Routine:

Start each day with a 15-minute “silent start.” Before your day’s work begins, spend this time in silence, meditating, practicing deep breathing, walking without your mobile or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in peace. This practice can center your thoughts and prepare you mentally and emotionally for the day ahead.

2. Weekly Family Farm Tours:

Dedicate an hour each week to lead a family farm tour, showcasing what you’ve been working on, explaining the farming processes, and discussing the plants and animals. This not only educates your family but also creates a shared experience that enriches family bonds without the pressure of work tasks.

3. Monthly Local Farmer Meetups:

Organize or participate in a monthly meetup with local farmers. This could be a casual coffee meet-up, a roundtable discussion, or a problem-solving session. The goal is to share experiences, offer advice, and discuss challenges and successes in a supportive environment.

4. Quarterly “Farm-Free” Weekends:

Plan and commit to spending one weekend every quarter completely away from farm work. This could involve a short family trip, a staycation, or engaging in a local event. The key is to ensure these weekends are marked in advance and work is adjusted accordingly to make them possible.

5. Annual “Non-Farm” Goal Setting:

Each year, set specific goals unrelated to farming. These could be related to personal health (e.g., running a half marathon), learning a new skill or hobby (e.g., photography, cooking classes), or personal development (e.g., reading 12 books a year). Make these goals visible and track progress to ensure they receive attention throughout the year.

6. Implement a “Work Shutdown” Ritual:

Create an end-of-day ritual to formally mark the end of farm work. This could involve cleaning and storing tools in a specific way, taking a final walk around the farm, or simply closing the farm office door. This ritual helps you mentally transition from work to personal time, reinforcing the importance of separation for work-life balance.


Achieving harmony between work and life in agriculture demands your deliberate action, thoughtful planning, and openness to change and seeking support. By embracing these strategies, you can nurture not only your crops and livestock but also a rich, balanced life.

Are you ready to plant the seeds of balance in your life and harvest the fruits of well-being and productivity? Enable Ag is here to support your journey toward a healthier work-life equilibrium. Download our free ‘Farmers’ Ultimate Freedom Checklist’  to kickstart your quest for work-life harmony, we can cultivate a lifestyle that thrives.

Meet Ram Savana: From Biotech to Farming Entrepreneur

With a degree in Biotech, Ram Savana started his career working for a medical device company. But limited opportunities and a desire to secure permanent residency in Australia saw him head back to the land, starting out as a farm hand and winding up a business owner.

Within minutes of meeting Ram, it becomes apparent why farmers are willing to open up their homes and businesses to him and lay their farm lives bare. “As you know most farmers feel they can never clock off,” he said, “their workloads are crushing and it’s affecting both the farmers and their families.”

Empowering Farmers for Time-Freedom

It’s no coincidence he named his business Enable Ag – his whole philosophy is to enable farmers to do more/the same but give themselves more free time. Ram is known as the “Time-Freedom Coach”, a consultant who has built a business helping farmers find a work life balance and “let go” of some of the things they try to control. The term “Time-Freedom Coach” was coined by one of his clients.

“I’m finding those farmers who always believe in what they did, they’re known for what they do and I am going to them and challenging them. Yep, you’re doing fantastic on the farm, now let’s talk about your work life balance.”

He says the key to progress is having systems in place and being open minded. “What you need help with is taking back your time, taking back control of your life. Sometimes it’s using technology to do things for you, sometimes it’s developing system for things like when you return phone calls, do you have a messaging system and it is around forming new habits. Everybody gets different feelings around the process. Some people say it’s like a whole weight has been lifted off their shoulders, for others it’s being able to take a holiday or having their staff communicate with them better than ever before.”

Ram’s Journey: From Cleaner to Farming Consultant

As a university student Ram used his position as a casual cleaner to access conferences and events to give him an edge in entering his chosen career path. He handed out 350 business cards to anyone who was willing to take one. Two of those resulted in call backs and one of them ended in a job. It was a start that catapulted the then biotech student into a new life in his adopted country, Australia. But it certainly didn’t end where he thought. “I could not get a white-collar job while I was studying at university. I was running out of money and my dad said ‘look you need to start making money. I can’t keep feeding you from here’,” he said.

“While studying at university I had to take up a cleaner job at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. “I used this to get into events. I tried to talk to people and they were shooing me away, that’s when I started using the business cards.” Eventually the chief executive of a start-up medical device company gave Ram a chance.

He went from being a casual employee to a shareholder within three and a half years. It was in this role that Ram says he developed his project management skills and had the first opportunity to apply his university studies to real life situations. When the medical device company took exit, Ram and his now wife Mrudula began to look for the next step. As they were both looking for a permanent visa they had an opportunity to move to Tasmania in 2017 under state sponsorship, work for two years and then apply for permanent residency.

“To be honest we came with the intention that we would go back to the mainland,” Ram said. However Ram and Mrudula have spent the past six years building a life and a business. “We bought a house, we settled, we made a decision, this is our home,” Ram said.

Again on the hunt for work, Ram decided to take a job as a farmhand. While his wife was horrified, mostly by the smell and soil on Ram’s work clothes, the young migrant from Indian farming family saw it as an opportunity. “Why not go back to the farming sector and see if I can take something from there and give it to my mum and dad, that was the intention.” It became much more as Ram not only worked as a farmhand at Cressy one day a week but slowly built trust with his employer, Tom Dowling, who then hired Ram as a consultant for half a day a week. “We both were learning a lot from each other. He shared everything with me about the farm and we started to look at how things were working and where we could make changes.”

“Tom was happy that my questioning quickly identified the challenges he and his business were facing at that stage.” “That’s what it’s about getting you to think and then finding the answers that work for the farmer.”

Building a Community of Empowered Farmers

It was this approach that led Ram to start his own business, Enable Ag in 2017. His client list and sense of purpose have grown since then and he’s added several awards to his resume including the 2022 Excellence in a Start-Up in the Business Excellence Awards and a state finalist in the 2022 Telstra Best of Business Awards. Ram has spent more than 5000 hours on farms across Australia and so far helped over 30 farm families. He now has a team abroad to support his growing community of time-freedom empowered farmers.

Life as a farmer can be incredibly rewarding, but it often comes with long work hours, numerous responsibilities, and limited personal time. Time management becomes a crucial skill for farmers looking to strike a balance between work and personal life while maximising their productivity. In this article, we will explore six effective time management strategies tailored specifically for time-poor farmers. By implementing these strategies, you can reclaim control over your time and create a more balanced and fulfilling farm life.

1. Assessing Your Time

Before implementing any time management strategies, it is important to assess how you currently utilise your time. Take a moment to evaluate your daily tasks and activities, identifying areas where time may be wasted or allocated inefficiently. By gaining insights into your time usage patterns, you can make informed decisions about where to make adjustments and improvements.

At Enable Ag, we understand the unique challenges faced by time-poor farmers. Our expertise lies in helping farmers optimise their time and achieve a better work-life balance by helping them play visionary and leadership roles more than farm-hand and manager roles. To get started on your journey to more time-freedom, download our free ‘Farmers’ Ultimate Freedom Checklist,’ which provides valuable insights and actionable steps to help you regain control over your time.

2. Prioritising Tasks

One of the keys to effective time management is prioritising tasks. As a farmer, it’s important to identify the essential tasks that align with your farm goals and focus on completing them first. Consider utilising techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix or ABC analysis to categorise tasks based on their importance and urgency. By focusing your efforts on high-priority tasks, you can make significant progress while avoiding unnecessary time spent on low-value activities.

Pro-tip: If you are aiming to become a proactive farmer, you shall block time every week to do tasks in ‘Important, Not Urgent’ quadrant of Eisenhower Matrix.

3. Delegation and Outsourcing

Recognise that you can’t do it all on your own. Delegating non-essential tasks or outsourcing certain responsibilities can free up valuable time and reduce your workload. Consider identifying tasks that can be effectively delegated to farm employees or outsourcing services from reliable sources. Enable Ag can guide you in determining which tasks can be delegated and how to delegate effectively, ensuring that you have more time to focus on crucial aspects of your farm operations.

Your time is your most precious resource. At Enable Ag, we made it our mission to help farmers reclaim their time while increasing their family farm's productivity. Time management strategies are an integral part of our Time-Freedom Program.

Your time is your most precious resource. At Enable Ag, we made it our mission to help farmers reclaim control over their time while increasing their family farm’s productivity. Time management strategies are an integral part of our Time-Freedom Program.

4. Time Blocking and Scheduling

Implementing a structured schedule and utilising time blocking techniques can be immensely beneficial for time-poor farmers. Allocate specific time slots for different tasks and activities, allowing for better organisation and increased productivity. By dedicating time blocks to specific farm operations, personal time, and breaks, you can ensure that each aspect of your life receives the attention it deserves. Enable Ag’s Time-Freedom Program offers personalised support and guidance in creating effective time blocking schedules that work for your unique farm and lifestyle.

5. Automation and Technology Tools

Incorporating automation and leveraging technology tools can streamline your farm processes and save you valuable time. From farm management software to communication tools and record-keeping systems, technology offers a range of solutions to enhance efficiency and productivity. Enable Ag can assist you in identifying the most suitable technology tools for your farm, helping you harness their full potential and achieve time-saving benefits.

6. Setting Boundaries and Practicing Self-Care

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance requires setting boundaries and prioritising self-care. It’s important to establish clear boundaries between work and personal time to avoid overworking and burnout. Remember to take breaks, engage in activities that recharge you, and prioritise your well-being. Enable Ag’s Time-Freedom Program focuses not only on optimising farm operations but also on empowering farmers to lead balanced and fulfilling lives.

By implementing these time management strategies, you can reclaim control over your time, increase productivity, and achieve a better work-life balance. Enable Ag is dedicated to supporting farmers on their journey to more time-freedom and balanced lives. Start your journey today by downloading our free ‘Farmers’ Ultimate Freedom Checklist‘ from our website. Together, we can revolutionise your farm operations and create lasting positive change for you and your family.

Remember, your time is a valuable resource. Choose to invest it wisely and enjoy the rewards of a more fulfilling and balanced farm life.